
Intel is already working on arctic sound and jupiter sound to replace the gpus radeon vega

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2017 will be remembered for being the year in which something that many considered impossible was unveiled, a collaboration between Intel and AMD to create the new Kaby Lake-G processors with integrated Radeon Vega graphics. New information suggests that this collaboration would be numbered and that Intel is developing Arctic Sound and Jupiter Sound.

Intel Arctic Sound and Jupiter Sound, high performance graphics architecture

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This collaboration between Intel and AMD aims to stand up to an Nvidia that dominates the market for high-performance notebooks with an iron fist, for which the Kaby Lake-G processors have been created that contain a Radeon Vega graphics core together with memory HBM2, this allows creating a very compact packaging but with great features. Intel and AMD remain rivals, so collaborating is not easy for them.

Intel has released new tweets in which it talks about its new architectures "Arctic Sound" and "Jupiter Sound", which will bring to life the first discrete graphics cards of the company. These new architectures will correspond to the 12th and 13th generations of Intel graphics, their development is being led by Raja Koduri, the creator of the Vega architecture and who has left AMD to join the ranks of Intel.

With this Intel would be creating its own high-performance graphics architecture to integrate it into its own processors, replacing AMD's Vega graphics. To do so, it will again use EMIB technology, its proprietary high-density interconnect for multi-chip designs.

For now Intel continues to use its ninth generation graphics architecture so it will be several years until we see these new graphics Arctic Sound and Jupiter Sound, what we do not know is if Intel will also take advantage of putting its first high-end graphics cards on the market, which would greatly encourage the market as there are three contenders and not two like now.

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