
Kodi could be spying on users without them knowing

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Kodi is one of the most popular players today. For this reason it is installed on the computers of millions of users. But, it is not without risks, since various threats have been detected over time. Now, it is said that there are a large number of users who use Kodi with a poorly protected remote access interface.

Kodi could be spying on users without them knowing

The platform has long had a remote control function, so that the software can be managed remotely. For that a web interface is used. It is a feature that many users make use of. But, they usually don't password protect the web interface. So any outside user could access your Kodi settings.

Chorus 2 interface

At the end of 2016 the Kodi web interface was changed and the Chorus 2 interface was included. This web interface acts as if it were a web page. So it allows anyone with the user's IP address to access its settings. Although, Chorus 2 is a much more comprehensive option than its predecessors. But, it is necessary to enable a password to ensure that no one has access to confidential data.

Navigating Chorus 2 allows you to carry out many functions. From viewing files to changing Kodi system settings. In addition, the username can be revealed. It also allows other users to play music or video from the web interface.

Therefore, it is important that users enter a password to avoid potential problems. In addition, it is recommended to update this password frequently. For those who do not use the remote control in Kodi, it is best to disable it directly.

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