
Formula 1 prevents a ransomware attack

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Ransomware attacks are becoming commonplace throughout this year. Having various objectives such as governments or companies. Now, Formula 1 has also become the target of a ransomware attack. Although this time the blood has not reached the river.

Formula 1 prevents a ransomware attack

It appears that the sports competition was the target of a ransomware attack, which has finally not taken place. Thanks to the work of the Acronis company, associated with the Toro Rosso team. This company has been in charge of helping to introduce improvements in certain areas. In order to increase security. And avoid attacks.

Greater protection for Formula 1

John Zanni, President of Formula 1, believes that although necessary actions have been taken to protect himself from this attack, further security measures are still needed. And that so far the sports competition has been lucky. Considering that it is an event that moves large amounts of money and information, they are aware that it is a clear objective for cybercriminals.

What they have urged is that all teams follow the example of Toro Rosso and focus on improving their security and protecting themselves against possible threats. Especially since there are fears that there will be an increase in ransomware attacks in the future. So prevention can be a good weapon in this case.

Formula 1 handles numerous computer data. Both each team individually and together. So a ransomware attack would be detrimental to competition. So far they have been spared attacks, but that does not mean that they will not occur in the future.


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