
Half of PC gamers buy games on sale according to a survey


46% of respondents say they have bought a digital game in the last year, and it is also said that half of PC gamers wait for offers to buy the games they want in both physical and digital formats. This is stated by NPD Group with a study carried out in the USA. to analyze the behavior of the players before the offers.

The study shows that 37% of the American population is a PC player and they spend an average of 6.7 hours a week on their hobby. On the other hand, 56% of these surveyed players are considered casual, 24% are considered more intensive players and 20% are true players.

This last group of 20% is made up of those who spend more money despite being a minority, even spending twice as much as casual people can spend in the last three months.

Are you also waiting for offers to buy video games?


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