
Ubuntu is still the most popular Linux distro according to survey

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What were the most popular distros of 2016? The most used desktop environments? The MuyLinux site did a survey among its readers, where we can see some very interesting data and some distros that have hit a jump in popularity.

Ubuntu is still the most popular Linux distro

In the first position there is no discussion, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distro, which gets 25.86% of the vote. Linux Mint follows in second position as it had during 2015 in this same survey, Debian in third position and fourth in Manjaro position, which last year had finished eighth.

OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, Fedora, elementaryOS and Antergos remain at the top without too many surprises.

KDE Plasma regains its throne

KDE Plasma 5 was the most popular desktop environment of 2016 with 21.21% of the votes, recovering the first position it had lost in 2015. In this guide we showed you how to install KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS in Ubuntu.

GNOME Shell falls in second place but with a fairly small difference against KDE. Cinnamon remains in third position as a classic and simple environment. The Unity interface is in fourth position again as the environment that is usually official, which does not speak too well of it. A couple of votes away is Xfce, which is usually used for low-resource teams.

Rounding out the top 10 are MATE, Deepin, LXDE, Pantheon, and Budgie Desktop. You can see the full results of the survey at the following link.


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