
Next generations of intel will be bigger than sunny cove

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Intel processors have been recycling the Skylake micro-architecture for the past few years, which is why the competition has outstripped it. However, according to Jim Keller , the next generations of Intel claim to be considerably more powerful and efficient. We do not have solid information about it yet, but the company is very optimistic on this issue.

The next generations of Intel will greatly improve the surface of transistors

Due to the last movements of the red team, we can affirm that Intel is a little on the tightrope. However, the blue team does not seem to show weak points and responds tenaciously to the good campaign of its competition.

In a recent talk given by Jim Keller called "Moore's Law is not Dead" the representative stated that the next generations of Intel will have up to 50x more transistors than Sunny Cove . If this micro-architecture already plans to be 15-18% more efficient than current Skylake , we can expect great things from the future of Intel .

In case you did not know Moore's Law , it is a rule that estimated that every two years the number of transistors in electronic components would double. Lately, processors were not meeting this average very well, but it seems that the blue team wants to overcome this.

But back to the subject, everything is very abstract nowadays. As of today we have no confirmed date for the next generation of Intel 10nm desktop processors .

We hope it is not pure marketing and that the blue team keeps the type well. What we do know for sure is that the AMD Ryzen Threadrippers are just around the corner, something that should concern them.

And you, do you think Intel will be able to keep its promise of transistors? Do you think AMD will succeed in outperforming Intel in all areas? Share your ideas in the comment box.

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