
Tablet sales fall but apple leads the market

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Although the tablet market is still in free fall, Apple seems not to notice it at all, since the Apple guys continue to lead the tablet market with iPads. The latest report by IDC makes it clear that Apple continues to increase its advantage over its competitors, despite the fact that the tablet market continues to decrease by 14.7% year-over-year, as is also reflected in the following results table..

To give you an idea, of the 43 million units that were sold (estimated) in the third quarter, Apple managed to get 21.5% of those sales with 9.3 million units sold.

Apple continues to lead the tablet market

This is how things are in the tablet market for this third quarter of 2016:

These data also show that devices such as iPad or iPad Air have been more attractive to users than the iPad Pro. This is due to its price and possibilities. That is, for the price of the iPad Pro, many prefer to buy a Mac or another device. Despite everything that has been invested in advertising for the iPad Pro, other models such as iPad Mini or iPad Air continue to be more attractive and account for 2/3 of sales in this quarter.

But beware, because another important fact is that despite the fact that sales of Apple tablets have fallen by 6.2% compared to last year. Total revenue has been kept stable thanks to iPad Pro.

Samsung, behind Apple

In the case of Samsung, we see that it is behind Apple. They have decreased from 19.3% to 6.5 million units sold compared to quarter 3 of last year.

Amazon experiences brutal growth

Amazon is in third place with 319% growth due to flash sales.

As for the other manufacturers of this top 5: Lenovo fourth and Huawei fifth.


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