New nvidia geforce 365.19 whql drivers released

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Users of a GeForce graphics card already have available to download the new Nvidia GeForce 365.19 WHQL drivers to give better compatibility with the latest released video games.
Nvidia GeForce 365.19 WHQL prepare your team for the latest games
The Nvidia GeForce 365.19 WHQL drivers belong to the Game Ready series and therefore are limited to adding compatibility and improving performance in the latest games. So GeForce 365.19 WHQL prepares your team for DOOM, Homefront: The Revolution and Master of Orion games.
The new drivers are available for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 operating systems in their 32-bit and 64-bit versions and are compatible with graphics cards from the GeForce GTX 400 series.
You can download them from GeForce Experience or from the official Nvidia website
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