
Micron achieves 16gbps speeds for gddr5x memories

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There are currently several memory standards in the graphics industry, including GDDR5, GDDR5X, and HBM (high-bandwidth) solutions. However, for Micron, a memory maker based in Idaho, USA, GDDR5X memories still have a future, although the company is also preparing for the launch of GDDR6 memory chips scheduled to appear in 2018.

Micron reaches 16 Gbps bandwidth for GDDR5X memory chips

When Micron released its GDDR5X memory chips just over a year ago, they were running at around 10 Gbps. However, Micron has increased speed rates since then, going from 10Gbps to 11Gbps and even to 12Gbps GDDR5X memory chips.

Now, the company has announced that it has reached speeds of 16 Gbps for the same GDDR5X standard.

This incredible jump in bandwidth for the GDDR5X means that this standard will remain relevant in the market at least for another generation of graphics cards. In addition, Micron plans to apply its new advances in the production of GDDR5X memories for its next GDDR6 chips.

"We firmly believe that our knowledge and experience of running ultra high speeds on GDDR5X memories will be a great advantage in boosting the performance of GDDR6 chips, " said Micron, adding that "GDDR6 will continue on the successful path of the G5X building on in the conventional format of DRAM memories ”.

That said, it should be noted that there are several differences between the two memory standards, but the biggest of all is the support for a two-channel architecture in the GDDR6 standard.

Micron said development of the GDDR6 is continuing as planned and it hopes to have the first functional chips "very soon, " followed by mass production in early 2018.


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