
Nvidia jetson tx1, nvidia joins artificial intelligence


Nvidia has decided to join the artificial intelligence sector with its new Nvidia Jetson TX1 platform based on ARM Cortex A57 cores and its powerful and efficient Maxwell graphics.

The new Nvidia Jetson TX1 board is built with a CPU based on the ARM Cortex A57 microarchitecture and a powerful GPU with Maxwell architecture and a total of 250 CUDA cores, with these specifications it is capable of offering a maximum computing power of 1 Teraflop. Thanks to CUDA technology, the possibilities of real-time robotics are multiplied, as the GPU is much more efficient in processing a large amount of floating point information such as the identification of images or objects.

The full development kit is available for preorder for $ 599, while the credit card-sized module will be available for $ 299. Its launch is scheduled for early 2016.

Source: dvhardware


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