
Netflix is ​​considering replacing the intel xeon platform with amd's epyc

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Netflix, one of the most important streaming services in the world, uses the Intel Xeon platform based on Broadwell and Skyalake / Cascade Lake for its servers. However, this could change in the future.

Netflix is ​​evaluating using EPYC processors on its servers

Netflix has server setups right now that can reach a target of 100 Gbps fairly easily, but with expansion plans in mind, the company is considering what it has to do to reach a target of 200 Gbps per basic server. The current setup Netflix is ​​using consists of a single Intel Xeon-based solution and considering that it has to double performance, the company can either throw another Xeon socket into the equation or go with a single EPYC piece. Given that both the EPYC platform and the parts of the Intel Xeon have a similar TCOs factor (Total Cost of Ownership), Netflix has to meticulously evaluate what decision it is going to make, since in either case the investment will be millions.

The setup Netflix is ​​using right now is a mix of Broadwell and Skyalake / Cascade Lake Xeons. Broadwell-based Xeons have 60 GB / s of memory bandwidth and 40 PCIe Gen3 tracks (which are 32 GB / s of IO bandwidth), while Intel Skylake / Cascade Lake Xeons have 90 GB / s memory bandwidth and 48 PCIe Gen3 tracks (that's 38 GB / s IO bandwidth). It's also not close to Netflix's 200Gbps ambition goal, so these are the two options the company has for the future (AMD wasn't part of the equation the first time):

To reach 200 Gbps, the following could happen:

On the Intel side, they can go for a dual-Xeon configuration with 2x Intel Xeon Silver 4116/4216. These would have a total of 180 GB / s of memory bandwidth and 96 PCIe Gen3 tracks (for a total of 75 GB / s of IO bandwidth). The dual Xeons would be connected by 2 UPI links.

On the other hand, they can go for an AMD EPYC Naples / Rome solution consisting of the 7551 or 7502P (most likely). Infinity fabric would connect the four chiplets within the EPYC part and the company would have access to a memory bandwidth of 120-150 GBps. This AMD configuration would have access to 128 PCIe Gen3 tracks (Gen4 for the 7502P with the added advantage that the memory bandwidth would double to 200 GB / s).

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The Xeon-based solution can achieve a maximum throughput of 191 Gbps, while the EPYC configuration can achieve a maximum throughput of 194 Gbps. Considering that the two selected parts have a similar TCO, this makes it clear that Netflix can use both Intel and AMD for their upgrade in the future, with a slight performance advantage for AMD.

We will see what decision they finally make. What is clear is that Netflix needs to improve its features, now that 4K content is increasingly requested and that requires more power and bandwidth. We will keep you informed.

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