Netflix loses users for its latest advertising campaign

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Netflix is already known for its controversial ad campaigns. Thanks to which the streaming service has managed to generate many headlines. And also to talk about their new series. We all know the campaign that was carried out when Narcos was released. So it is clear that Netflix likes to generate controversy.
Netflix loses users for its latest advertising campaign
Netflix premieres its new production on October 12. This is Etarras' Faith. A black comedy about the terrorist band. This already promises to bring queue and generate controversy. But, the streaming platform has gone one step further with its new advertising campaign in San Sebastián. There they have put the following poster.
Hey, @NetflixES, ETA murdered 829 people. You need to cross out 826 Spaniards there to complete the joke.
- Pastrana (@JosPastr) September 16, 2017
Users cancel their subscription
Many users have not hesitated to express their opinion on this poster on social networks. As most already know, San Sebastián is one of the cities that has experienced the actions of ETA with the greatest intensity. In fact, 94 people were killed in the Basque city. So it is a subject of great sensitivity to carry out an action like this. Many think that Netflix insults Spain.
And the reactions were immediate. Not only have complaints and angry users seen this campaign. Many users have also made the decision to cancel their subscription. They consider that this goes too far. And they prefer to stop supporting the platform.
Netflix has not reacted in any way so far. We don't know if they will. Although many users expect an apology to be offered and this banner to be removed from the streets of the Basque city. What do you think about this advertising campaign?
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