Twitter generates benefits but loses users

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Twitter has announced its financial figures this week. The social network has followed in the footsteps of other companies in the sector. They have done it with one of lime and the other of sand. Because for the first time in their history they get a real benefit, something that is certainly important. Although, on the other hand, the social network has lost users again. Something that causes concern.
Twitter generates benefits but loses users
Since in 2018, the social network made a profit of 1, 205 million dollars, the first time they close a year with benefits. So there have been major changes in your modeling business.
Twitter makes money but loses users
Especially the last quarter of 2018 was positive for the social network. But it can be safely stated that 2018 in general was a good year for the company. At least in the financial field. Because as for the users, the situation is not entirely positive. Active users have been lost monthly in it. Something that generates concern in the company right now.
At the end of 2018 on Twitter there are 321 million active users per month. A drop of 5 million compared to the third quarter of last year. In addition, it also represents a drop of 9 million compared to a year earlier.
The surprising thing, although it may be that to avoid falls in its actions, is that Twitter is going to stop publishing the number of active users per month. Therefore, when quarterly or annual financial results are published from the social network, this data will not be public.
Twitter generates less income and the number of users does not grow

Twitter generates less revenue and the number of users does not grow. Discover the worrying results of the social network in this quarter.
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Snapchat loses 3 million users in the last quarter. Find out more about the loss of users by the application.
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Facebook loses 640,000 users in the Netherlands. Find out more about the loss of users of the social network in the country.