
Nintendo expects to sell 17 million units of nintendo switch before April

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The launch of the Nintendo Switch is being a huge success for Nintendo. The Japanese company has launched a console that is revolutionizing the market. The hybrid format of this console has caught on among users around the world, who want to have one. The reviews for the console have been very positive, and sales also accompany.

Nintendo expects to sell 17 million units of Nintendo Switch before April

Nintendo has increased its sales forecast for Nintendo Switch. The company has projected sales of 14 million units for the console's first year of life. In its day it was said that they would reach 10 million, but it is expected that this figure will be exceeded.

Nintendo Switch breaks sales records

The Nintendo console managed to sell 2.74 million units in its first four weeks after its launch in March. Taking these figures into account and the arrival of Black Friday and Christmas, it is speculated that in its first year of life, the console could sell some 16.74 million units. Virtually 17 million units in one year. A record that not even Nintendo expected.

In addition, everything indicates that the sales of Nintendo Switch in its first year will exceed the sales obtained by Wii U in five years. Since the Wii U obtained worldwide sales of 13.56 million units. So this new console has already exceeded the success of its previous generation.

Thanks to the good performance of the console, Nintendo's results have been positively affected. Its profits have reached 209 million euros in this last quarter. Income has also increased and stands at $ 1, 903 million. Seeing the good progress of the Nintendo Switch, surely its results will continue to improve.


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