
Xiaomi expects to sell 100 million phones this year

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Xiaomi has become one of the most popular brands on the market. Also one of the best sellers, and this taking into account that it was not until last year that we have seen great steps in its internationalization. But the firm has ambitious sales targets for 2018. They want to reach 100 million phones sold.

Xiaomi expects to sell 100 million phones this year

This would represent an increase of 43% compared to last year's sales. In 2017 they managed to sell just over 70 million devices worldwide. Mainly markets like China and India are where the brand sells best.

Xiaomi wants to grow in sales

In 2018, the definitive jump of the brand to the European market is expected. We have already seen how they have stores in Spain, so it would not be surprising that new stores are opened in other European countries. In addition, it is speculated that the firm would be thinking of making the leap to America in 2018. Therefore, it would also become an important market.

Xiaomi is likely to achieve this sales figure, especially if they manage to reach new markets. Also, some of their phones are becoming a best seller, like the Black Shark, sold out in China in 24 hours. So it will be interesting to see if they achieve this goal.

Without a doubt, Xiaomi plays with a great asset and its low prices. Their phones are significantly lower in price than the competition. Something that causes users to opt for their devices. We will see if they manage to reach 100 million sales.

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