
Nintendo switch does not interest developers, the new wiiu?

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The Nintendo Switch is breaking all sales records since it hit the market earlier this April, however the catalog of games available for the new console is very scarce and there are many companies that have already said that they are not going to port their star games to the new platform. Given this situation, there are not a few who affirm that we are facing a new failure similar to that of the WiiU.

Developers do not support the new Nintendo Switch

Many of the developers have spoken at the GDC about the projects they have in mind for this year 2017, the panorama does not look very good for a Nintendo Switch that sees how only 3% of the studios are interested in the new video game console, this This figure makes it the platform in which developers have the least interest and is something that does not speak well of the future of the new hybrid video game console.

We recommend reading Nintendo states that there are more than 100 games on the way for the Switch

PC and Mac are the most interesting platform for developers, 53% are working on new titles that will hit the market this year 2017. In second position we have the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One / Xbox Scorpio with 27% and 22% of the developers interested respectively. It is striking that even Linux and Apple TV capture the interest of video game developers more with 7% and 4% respectively.

It is true that Nintendo Switch has just arrived on the market and many studios will be waiting to see if the new console will settle in the market, in any case we find it very worrying that it is the platform that least interests developers, many of them They promised that they would support the new console but it is something that they also did with the arrival of the WiiU and we already know how it ended.

Let's hope that the new console of the Japanese company is gradually gaining the trust of the developers, no one can deny that Nintendo has brought a very innovative and attractive product.

Source: gamingbolt


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