Graphics Cards

Nvidia finally cancels the geforce partner program (gpp)

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NVIDIA has not been able to resist all the controversy surrounding its recent partner program called GeForce Partner Program, and has decided to cut it short, cancel it. NVIDIA has given the 'sad' in an article on its official blog, giving its reasons for this decision.

NVIDIA Directly Cancels GPP Program Instead Of Trying To Battle Its Detractors

It is an excerpt from that statement on the official NVIDIA blog. The green company defends itself against the accusations, saying that they have been falsehoods and misinformation. And continues;

NVIDIA decides to directly cancel the GPP program instead of trying to battle against its detractors, which we remember, not only had millions of players against it, but also some of the most important PC manufacturers, such as Intel and AMD.

This means that everything will continue as before for graphics card manufacturers and for gamers.

NVIDIA source

Graphics Cards

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