
Playstation vr, tips to avoid dizziness with virtual reality

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The launch of the Playstation VR has already happened and with it many people who have shared their experience with the device. Although the comments are generally being 'positive' (based on experiences written in specialized forums), there is one major drawback, and that of dizziness. There are not a few people who feel dizzy after a Playstation VR session, although that does not make them throw in the towel for a product that has cost 400 euros plus extra items.

How to avoid dizziness on Playstation VR

Here are some tips to avoid dizziness with a Playstation VR or with any virtual reality glasses.

Check the game performance

A video game must run at a minimum of 90 frames per second for image movements to be smooth. A lower frame rate causes movements to not look smooth and this can lead to a greater feeling of dizziness. In Playstation VR most titles should not have this problem but in PC we will need a powerful enough computer to ensure this fluidity.

You better play sitting

Many games for virtual reality do not expressly require you to play standing, if you get dizzy you can play sitting until you get used to the experience. Seated play minimizes the feeling of dizziness and nausea.

If you are tired or have an ear infection, you better not play

Fatigue is a key factor that increases the feeling of dizziness. To play it is recommended to be well rested and with the batteries on. On the other hand, people who suffer from some ear discomfort are also not recommended to play with VR glasses. It is known that the ear is closely related to the stability of our body, but if it is 100% in this aspect, dizziness can be very strong.

Do not stop trying

Virtual reality is a completely new experience for everyone, if you feel dizzy in the first game sessions, it is advisable to keep trying until you get used to it. It also depends a lot on the type of game, some cause more dizziness than others, such as a racing game like Driveclub VR. Our advice is to start with simpler games to get used to this experience.

That's all you need to know at the moment, I hope these tips have been useful to you and I'll see you next time.


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