
Reddit updates with a customizable news tab

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Reddit recently announced and officially launched a new update to its iOS app that includes the new customizable News tab. After different “alpha” versions with tests limited to a small user group in recent weeks, Reddit claims to have heard the comments and made enough improvements to make the next phase of the feature, now in beta, available now. for the vast majority of users.

Custom news on Reddit

The News tab appears at the top of the app, just first, to the left of the Home and Trending tabs, and contains the content of the community subreddits that they frequently share and interact with. news. The content is divided into themes such as Politics, Sports or Technology, but users can further customize these themes to show us only the secondary themes that interest us most.

On the main screen of the app, with the "News" tab selected, we can click on "Personalize your news" at the bottom, and we will access the list of available topics. Under each of them we will see, in blue, the word "Edit"; if we press it, we can choose specific subtopics so that a certain topic only shows us news related to those subtopics. And of course, we can also remove other themes and subtopics.

Reddit says that it has established guidelines for the communities of this service that are based on both their own experience and the type of publication (for example, the titles of the publications must reflect the title of the article).


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