
Resident evil 7: crackers break protection stopped in record time

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Resident Evil 7 launched last week with Denuvo protection, an anti-piracy system that has proven effective (for a time) against cracking techniques. Capcom trusted this system that had already proven to be very reliable with other games such as Doom, Far Cry Primal or Just Cause 3, among many others, which has managed to keep PC piracy at bay for months.

Resident Evil 7 and Denuvo fall to piracy

It seems that the protection of that Denuvo system is no longer as safe as it was before and one of the victims has been Resident Evil 7, which in the last few hours could have been cracked after five days of being published on the Steam platform, quite a record.

The feat of creating Resident Evil 7 in a matter of days with Denuvo protection is from the well-known group CPY, which has also cracked Watch Dogs 2 and Far Cry Primal in recent weeks, so it seems they have found a way to bring it down. This protection quickly.

FIFA 17 and Just Cause 3 still resist

Although most of the titles with Denuvo are falling like flies, it must be said that games like FIFA 17 or Just Cause 3, at the time of writing these lines, still cannot crack after long months of being released.

Capcom should not be happy with this situation, since adding this type of protection costs around 100, 000 euros, as revealed on Reddit, money thrown in the trash for the Nipona company.


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