
Samsung prepares to manufacture 7nm chips in 2018

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South Korea 's Samsung is one of the leading companies in the silicon chip manufacturing sector and has no intention of ceding positions to rivals. After its successful 10nm memory process, which will be used in the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, it is preparing to start manufacturing its first 7nm chips in a year.

Samsung will use new technology in its 7 nm in 2018

The director of Samsung LSI has stated that the South Korean will start manufacturing chips at 7nm in early 2018, and has also confirmed that the current techniques will not be valid for 7nm, so a new technique based on nanolithography will be used.

Currently, Samsung is one of the most important foundries and manufactures chips for a multitude of partners including Apple, AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm and many more. This makes it one of the main sources of income for the company, thanks to the continuous progress of Samsung we will be able to enjoy new generations of processors that are much smaller and more energy efficient.

Source: gsmarena


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