
If you are from bankia or sabadell, you can already pay with apple pay

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The business of mobile payments is advancing steadily, with more or less notable success, on the multiple existing platforms (Android Pay, Samsung Pay, Garmin Pay…) however, perhaps the best known is Apple Pay, so much so that the mere compatibility with two new banking entities such as Bankia and Sabadell is the subject of news. And this despite the fact that iOS barely represents 15% (point up, point down) of the market share of mobile operating systems.

You can now use your Bankia and Sabadell cards with Apple Pay

Several weeks ago, Bankia and Sabadell announced their early compatibility with Apple Pay, which would allow customers of that bank to make their payments using the iPhone or Apple Watch in physical stores, as well as in applications or through the web if it is of attached businesses. Well, from today it is possible to use Apple Pay with Bankia and Sabadell.

This is undoubtedly great news, not only for Bankia and Sabadell customers who were anxiously waiting to be able to integrate their cards into the apple's mobile payment system, but also for the Apple Pay platform itself, despite moving forward at a slower pace than many would like, keep going.

Apple Pay landed in Spain in November 2016 and did so through Banco Santander and Carrefour Pass. Little by little, the number of compatible banking entities has increased: Boon, OpenBank, CaixaBank, ImaginBank, N26, Bankinter, Caja Rural, Evo Bank, etc. The next to arrive will be BBVA and BancaMarch.

If you are a Bankia or Banco Sabadell customer and have an iPhone, I strongly recommend that you enter your cards right now in the Wallet app; From the moment you do this and start using Apple Pay, you never want physical cards again. And I don't even tell you if you also use your Apple Watch!


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