
Twitter will hide tweets from politicians who go against the rules of use

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Twitter has become a stage widely used by politicians, especially Donald Trump. Although the messages they publish are not always correct or respect the rules of use of the app. So the company is taking certain steps in this regard now. Since they are going to hide these messages, so they will be the users who must click to see said tweet.

Twitter will hide tweets from politicians who go against the rules of use

A measure that is applied in certain cases, such as politicians who have more than 100, 000 users on the social network. So they will be the most important.

Changes in the app

In this way, if we enter a politician's account on Twitter, we can see that instead of the tweet there is a warning message, which tells us that this message is against the rules. If we want to read it we will have to click on it, so that we can read it. It is a measure that is already being applied on the social network.

It is a measure they have taken because they have been criticized on many occasions for not taking action against Donald Trump's controversial tweets. So the social network acts in this sense, with a measure that we will see if it convinces users.

The social network has already introduced it, so if you go to Twitter and see this, you already know that this measure is working. We do not know if it will be expanded over time, but for the moment they are satisfied in this regard from the app.

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