Warp - everything you need to know about the dns vpn function

Table of contents:
- What are DNS?
- What makes different from the rest
- All this and more with Warp the application for mobile Internet
- So what do these people eat?
- How to install and use Warp on Android or iOS
- Conclusion about Warp
The company Cloudflare has been stomping with its mobile VPN service along with DNS nicknamed Warp. The Smarphone application that allows us to use this fast DNS service at the click of a button and connect to a highly secure global VPN. That is why we are going to give you a review to see what this service can offer us and if it is an advantage in terms of its use for mobile Internet.
Index of contents
What are DNS?
Before explaining what Warp consists of, it would not be a bad idea to know a little more about the role that DNS performs in our Internet connection and access.
DNS or in Spanish, Domain Name System, is a protocol by which a domain name can be associated with an IP address. What it does then, is translate the names of the URL addresses that we write in the browser to addresses that can be understood by the network protocol and the connection systems, that is, to a numerical address such as IP. For example "profesionalreview.com" would be the name that we would place in the browser, and the address "" would be the address that our router would understand.
A DNS server uses a decentralized and hierarchical database where all these relationships between URLs and IPs that exist on the Internet are stored. In addition to URLs, we also have information about email addresses and everything related to access through the network. In general, we use the DNS server provided by our internet service provider, and not only will the address be resolved by a single DNS server, but we will find multiple ones on our way to the real address of the domain.
We will start by writing a web address in our browser, it needs to perform a DNS search to associate the name with the real IP address. So, the first thing that our system does is to check if the answer that the browser is requesting is in the local DNS cache, on our own PC. If it is, it will automatically send the associated IP to establish the remote connection. In the event that this information is not saved, the equipment will connect to a DNS server that it finds in its path to request the ISP service.
But at any time, we can transfer this work directly to an external server such as the one Cloudflare gives us for free. Our team will connect to the DNS server through address and it will resolve the address and provide us with access, and also encryption.
What makes different from the rest
A few days ago, Cloudflare announced to the world its next step regarding the possibilities of its open access DNS service for users. As shown in the service information, https // is the fastest and best privacy DNS service found on the Internet. Words without a doubt are daring in front of giants like Google, IBM or OpenDNS.
Cloudflare uses a keyword to differentiate its service from the others available, and that of privacy, a service where the user can browse completely safely on the Internet at the same time as quickly. To do this, the company agrees to delete all DNS query records every 24 hours. DNS servers has always been a key aspect when it comes to Internet security, since ISP's DNS servers store all the queries that we make and go through it, this means that there will be a database with absolutely all the accesses our registered, a little uncomfortable right? Well, Cloudflare wants to break this modus operandi and preserve, above all, our security.
This new DNS also offers us support for both DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS which are the main two ways to navigate safely through Internet web pages. In addition, Cloudfare is making arrangements with companies like Mozilla to implement in a simple and comfortable way for users to use in their browser. According to the records released, the DNS service has an overall latency of 14 ms, which is considerably less than for example the 34 ms of Google or 20 ms of OpenDNS. What remains to be seen is whether this service, now with VPN, is not slowing down as more users use it.
All this and more with Warp the application for mobile Internet
The great news is that Cloudflare has launched a free and easy-to-use application for all those users who want to use the company's DNS on their mobile phone. Speed and security is what it promises with Warp.
For technical purposes, Warp acts as a link to connect to Cloudflare's VPN network, a network through which we can safely navigate and keep access data confidential, as we have seen before. What always happens with VPNs? Well the first, which limit speed and the second, which increase latency. Well, with Warp, the company has wanted to improve all this and even exceed the benefits offered by other servers without such a degree of protection.
One of the advantages that we obtain with this, is that we will be able to navigate through “not secure” web pages, that is, http without the s, with native encryption. Warp and VPN make the connection automatically encrypted and default. This is a great advantage, as it is the necessary filter to prevent hacker attacks and the entry of viruses from unsafe pages.
One of the main disadvantages of the TCP protocol is that it was never designed for the mobile internet, resulting in higher lost data recovery times. So Cloudflare's global network is based on a UDP protocol optimized for mobile network that allows faster connections even with low coverage and distant Wi-Fi.
The promised security enhancements are kept in the app:
- No user identification data is collected Browsing data will be invisible and will not be used to advertise us DNS can be used without creating any account or anything for that reason the browsing data will be deleted every 24 hours
Let's say, then, that it's like browsing through a corporate VPN network with dedicated security, but with access to the entire Internet, this means zero advertising. Obviously we will have to trust them, of course, we will not be able to see their facilities first hand.
So what do these people eat?
Well, even if the service is free, they need to earn money for Warp to be profitable. And they also report on this quite clearly:
- Warp +: The application has a Premium registration option for users who want to get even more speed on the network. This would be the first way. Make business VPN sales contracts: it happens the same as with WinRAR, a normal user can use it for free, but there is a market for licenses behind for companies. The same goes for VPNs, Cloudflare can give VPN support to companies that need them. Empowering access to its clients' content: Cloudflare is a company that provides Internet content services to clients, so with this VPN network it will enhance those contents to keep its clients happy.
How to install and use Warp on Android or iOS
Enough talk is enough and we will see how to install Warp on Android to see first hand how it is used and what we will find.
Well, the first thing we will have to do is look it up in our Play Store, and be careful, because it is not called Warp. If we put this only applications will appear to modify the face of our friends. In this case we will have to put, so that an application appears whose name is Faster & Safer Internet.
Once installed, we will open it so that it shows us some information than others before accessing the main screen. We are advised that. If we already have an application that uses VPN on the mobile, this connection will be disabled.
It will ask us for permissions to install a VPN profile on the mobile, to which we say yes, and finally we will be on the main page. Well, it would be. By pressing the button we will be connected to the Cloudflare VPN network and we will have DNS servers and
We can still make some modifications to the configuration by clicking on the menu button. In addition to placing the dark theme, we can also exclude the applications that remain from the use of this VPN or check the connection data directly in our browser. We can also disable DNS Logs that the application creates, modify the tunneling method, etc.
As we see, we will have no problem connecting to the websites both in Wi-Fi and in data. Also, if any application gives us connectivity problems, we will only have to add it to the list of exclusions of the DNS application. We will also comment that the battery consumption has not been altered by the mere fact of having it open.
Conclusion about Warp
So far this little article comes where we explain a little better the basic premises that Cloudflare offers with its DNS service with VPN Warp and this new application for Mobile Internet. We recommend that you try it so that you can at least feel safer browsing, as it is free and quite easy to use, at least it will be worth a try and see if it convinces you.
We leave you with our guide to the best free public DNS servers
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