
Whatsapp opens to the use of in-app advertising

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WhatsApp is the most used mobile application in the world with more than 1, 200 million users, which is why it is one of the most potential benefits. This was what led Facebook to seize the application for $ 19 billion. Now the social network is looking for a way to make the most of your investment, and for this it has occurred to introduce advertising in the popular application.

WhatsApp opens to the use of advertising

In the latest beta version of WhatsApp, the terms of service have been changed to allow the arrival of advertising to the application, this is only the first step so it is not yet known how or when, but it seems quite clear that it is unavoidable. This modification in the terms of service, opens the possibility of offering "sponsored content / company ads" to users.

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The treatment of the data has also been modified, because very soon the messaging application will share personal information with Facebook Companies to provide services to WhatsApp. This means that nothing that is shared on WhatsApp will appear on Facebook unless the user decides to show it.

Advertising has always gone against the principles of the creators of WhatsApp, since they consider that it not only goes against aesthetics, but that it is an insult to intelligence and an interruption to thoughts. Once the application passed into the hands of Facebook in 2014, all this changed, since advertising is one of the great businesses of the digital age and Facebook is not going to miss the opportunity to monetize each of the euros I pay for WhatsApp.

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