Xiaomi will remove miui ads in its new beta

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The MIUI personalization layer, present on Xiaomi phones, has long had a problem with ads. It is not something that affects all markets, but many users complain about the large number of ads present in it. Since they affect the user experience. So the Chinese manufacturer is already working on removing them from the layer.
Xiaomi will remove MIUI ads
It was speculated weeks ago that this would happen, but it seems that there is now a confirmation from the company on the Chinese social network Weibo.
Goodbye to ads
The new MIUI 9.8.29 beta, which has been released only in China, is already testing the removal of these ads. Users with a Xiaomi phone are provided with the possibility of deleting them from the settings, so that at no time within the interface do they encounter these announcements that for many users are especially annoying.
It is an important change on the part of the brand, which has listened to user complaints. For weeks there has been much criticism of the huge number of ads in the personalization layer. So it is a good step on your part, to avoid such problems.
At the moment it is a beta that is available only in China, since Xiaomi has stopped launching these betas globally. But hopefully, all users will be able to enjoy the ability to remove or hide the ads in MIUI. So that option may be launched soon.
How to remove utorrent ads

The free version of uTorrent for either Windows, Mac, Linux and Android places many ads on its interface.
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Xiaomi confirms that miui will have fewer ads

Xiaomi confirms that MIUI will have fewer announcements. Find out more about the company ad that will launch the fewest ads in this field.