Yahoo must pay 50 million dollars to affected by hacks

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In 2013 and 2014 Yahoo suffered massive hacks, which were made public in 2016. Finally, after a long process, it is already known how much money the company is going to have to pay users affected by these attacks. There are people who lost their email addresses and other personal data. Therefore, they have to be compensated. Finally, they are going to have to pay 50 million dollars.
Yahoo must pay 50 million dollars to those affected by massive hacks
This agreement the company has reached covers about 1 billion affected accounts, of which about 200 million are from users in Israel and the United States.
Hacks on Yahoo
The holders of these accounts in Yahoo will be compensated with about 25 dollars an hour of the lost time that they had to dedicate to solve their problems, due to this security gap. Users can request up to 15 hours of lost time, which is $ 375. For users who cannot document their losses, they can claim five hours.
In addition to this, they will have to pay $ 35 million for the attorneys in the case. Without a doubt a huge fine that they will have to pay. Affected companies can also request compensation for these hacks on the popular website.
A final sentence is expected in late November, so we will see if this is the amount that Yahoo will have to pay or if it will be higher or lower. We will be attentive to how this case evolves. What do you think about this amount that they are going to have to pay?
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