Battlefield v: tides of war improves rtx performance by 50%

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Battlefield V has been the first PC game to use DXR ray tracing through an in-game patch. Since then, Nvidia has worked closely with EA and DICE optimizing RayRacing technology in the popular war game, improving performance by up to 50% in Battlefield V: Tides of War.
Nvidia and DICE improve RTX performance by up to 50% in Battlefield V: Tides of War
Players with GeForce RTX 2080 Ti will now be able to achieve over 60 FPS in 1440p resolution with DXR Raytraced Reflections set to Ultra quality. As for players with GeForce RTX 2080, they will be able to achieve more than 60 FPS with a resolution of 1440p with DXR Raytraced Reflections set to Medium quality, and players with GeForce RTX 2070 will now be able to achieve more than 60 FPS with a resolution of 1080p with DXR in Medium quality.
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DICE's official notes on the patches mention the following optimizations:
- Stability improvements with in-game DXR Ray Tracing Improved performance of various ray tracing components Improves ray tracing performance on foliage and vegetation Using buffer data to increase overall ray tracing quality Removed inactive geometry of ray tracing scenes Fixed medium quality setting bug not being applied correctly
Battlefield players with Nvidia GeForce RTX cards can now enjoy the new Game Ready controller for Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture. This controller will also provide the best gaming experience in the next World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth patch with improved DX12 performance, even in Just Cause 4.
NVIDIA Game Ready controllers provide the best experience for GeForce card gamers thanks to the work of engineers who work to the last minute. Each Game Ready controller is WHQL certified by Microsoft as an additional measure of quality. The fruits of their work can be seen with the performance improvements in Battlefield V, improving performance by up to 50% with active DXR Ray Tracing, depending on the GPU and the configuration being tested.
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Directx 12 improves performance by up to 50%

Microsoft announces that DirectX 12 can improve up to 50% performance in video games and decrease consumption of mobile devices
Says it greatly improves rtx performance in battlefield v

With the release of the Battlefield V Chapter 1: Overture patch, DICE promised to deliver performance increases of up to 50% with RTX.