
Change dns in windows 10 step by step

Table of contents:


First of all, what you should know is that this procedure is very similar to the tutorial we made on How to Change DNS in Windows 8 that we published a few days ago. In this tutorial we are going to teach you how to change DNS in Windows 10. Prepared? Here we go.

Network and Sharing Center

The first thing to do to change the DNS in Windows 10, will be to access the Network and Sharing Center, for this we can use the search box or simply right-click on the network icon on the taskbar. Next we open the Network Center or Control Panel.

We also have the other option by clicking on the network icon in the toolbar.

Once we enter the Network Center we must click on the connection located to the right of Connections, which can be as much as a Wireless Network (normally portable) or Ethernet (desktop computer), in any case we have to click about the connection listed.

Once this step is done, a Network Status window will open, in which we can view the status of our connection, how the computer commands, receives data and the speed of the network. In this case we will click on properties.

Automatically a properties window will open, where we can see the different network functions that are available on our adapter. We must modify (TCP / IPv4). Then we will right click on it and click on the properties option.

Now comes the key moment to Change DNS in Windows 10. In the protocol properties frame… we will mark the option to automatically obtain an IP address, while at the bottom we will select: use the following DNS server addresses and then enter our favorite DNS (See list of public and free servers).

  • Preferred DNS Server: Alternate DNS Server:

Then we will press the box that will allow us to validate the configuration when exiting and then we click on accept.

Note: It is likely that when clicking on Accept, although everything is correctly configured, a warning window will appear to solve Windows errors, we will proceed to cancel the operation of the solver and, if required (it rarely happens), we will restart the computer.

Checking for new DNS in Windows 10

To see that everything is correct, we must go to the system console (command: CMD) and write "ipconfig / all" on it. The result it will give us will be similar to this:

Ethernet adapter Ethernet 5: Specific DNS suffix for the connection..: Description……………: Intel (R) Ethernet Connection I219-V # 2 Physical address………….: & amp; nbsp; 12-34-56-78-90-12 DHCP enabled………….: yes Automatic configuration enabled…: yes Link: local IPv6 address…: a4656523245465 (Preferred) IPv4 address…………..: (Preferred) Subnet mask…………: Concession obtained…………: & amp; nbsp; The lease expires………..: & amp; nbsp; Default Gateway…..: DHCP server…………..: IAID DHCPv6……………: 270317356 DHCPv6 client DUID……….: DNS servers…………..: / NetBIOS over TCP / IP………..: enabled

With this we finish our tutorial on how to change DNS in Windows 10. For us it is very important that you share on your social networks and leave us a comment.


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