
Cambridge analytica announces its final closure

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One of the names that have been most present in the media these months, such as Cambridge Analytica, announces the cessation of its activity. The company, which became known due to the data scandal with Facebook, has already ceased its activity completely and they announce the closure of the company. After months at the center of the controversy, the decision is not too surprising.

Cambridge Analytica announces its final closure

The company is being investigated for its practices, which in many cases are illegal. So the problems are far from over for Cambridge Analytica. Why are they announcing their closure now?

Cambridge Analytica ceases activity

The rising legal costs of the company, which is under investigation and will likely face many lawsuits of all kinds, are one of the reasons. Furthermore, customers have left the company. This is stated, since the scandal with Facebook came to light. So their income has plummeted. So they are forced to close.

In addition, the reputation of Cambridge Analytica has already been shattered after these controversies. Since many of his illegal practices, and of dubious morality, were revealed thanks to some recordings with hidden camera. So the end of the business seems like the logical step.

The company is now carrying out the necessary procedures to declare insolvency in the United Kingdom. At the moment the closure is official, it has also been communicated to employees. Although we will surely continue to hear about the company and its scandals.

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