
Huawei to invest $ 2 billion in cybersecurity

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Huawei is encountering many problems with rolling out its 5G network globally. Some countries do not allow the Chinese manufacturer to work on such development. And many others have yet to decide whether to allow the company to work on it. For this reason, the company is now announcing a new investment plan, with special attention to cybersecurity. Also to regain your good reputation.

Huawei to invest $ 2 billion in cybersecurity

That is why the Chinese company is going to invest 2, 000 million dollars to improve in this regard. A way to recover its image and thus be able to have a leading role in 5G again.

Huawei Investments

It is a plan that will be extended over the next five years, as confirmed by the company at a conference. With this plan, the brand wants to save its plans to develop 5G at a key moment. The arrest of the chief financial officer in Canada has also not helped the company. Although Huawei has also criticized the bans they are currently facing.

While the company has encountered a surprising advocate. Because Germany has come to the defense of the Chinese manufacturer. They do not see signs of espionage, and do not consider that additional measures should be taken with the company. Something that would facilitate his work in 5G in the German country.

We will see if this plan has the desired effect for Huawei. The brand has faced some difficult moments in these weeks. So surely we will know more measures in these weeks, with which they will seek to change this situation.

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