
Maxon launches cinebench r20, the benchmark tool par excellence

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Cinebench R15 is perhaps one of the best-known benchmark tools by all analytics sites (Like us), acting as a quick and easy way to measure the performance of any self-respecting processor, scaling incredibly well with the number of cores in a CPU. Maxon, the developer team behind the tool, has released Cinebench R20 with some improvements that we will detail below.

Cinebench R20 arrives with a more demanding performance test

Maxon has finally decided to release an updated version of this benchmark, addressing the biggest problem the tool was facing in the modern era. Simply put, Cinebench R15 was quickly becoming irrelevant, as each new release of Cinema 4D was accompanied by new optimizations and other changes that made Cinebench not represent those improvements.

Cinebench R20 includes optimizations for the latest CPUs, so it offers improved accuracy but much higher memory requirements. The benchmark tool is said to require 8 times more computing power, thanks to the use of a more complex test scene.

Another change with Cinebench R20 is that the GPU section of the benchmark has been removed from the middle, making the R20 a CPU test only. Taking advantage of the modern features of AMD and Intel processors, Maxon has estimated that the new processors could render the same scenes as Cinebench R15 "twice as fast" with the same hardware, which speaks volumes about the level of optimization that has occurred since Cinema 4D version 15.

Right now, Cinebench R20 is available for download from the Windows Store and through the Apple Mac Store. There is no separate download option available from the Maxon website.

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