
Micron begins production of 128-layer 3d nand 'rg' modules

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Micron has manufactured its first fourth generation 3D NAND memory modules with its new RG (replacement gate) architecture. The tape confirms that the company is on track to produce commercial 4th Generation 3D NAND memory in the 2020 calendar, but Micron cautions that the memory used by the new architecture will only be used for certain applications and, therefore, the reductions in 3D NAND costs next year will be minimal.

Micron already manufactures 128-layer 3D NAND modules with RG architecture

Micron's fourth-generation 3D NAND uses up to 128 active layers. The new type of 3D NAND memory replaces the floating gate technology (which has been used by Intel and Micron for years) with the replacement gate technology in an attempt to reduce the size and costs of the array, while improving performance and easing transitions to next generation nodes. The technology was developed exclusively by Micron without any input from Intel, so it is likely to be tailored to the applications that Micron wants to target more (probably with high ASPs, such as mobile, consumer, etc.).

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Micron has no plans to transport all of its product lines to its initial RG process technology, so its company-wide cost per bit will not drop significantly next year. Nonetheless, the firm promises that it will see significant cost reductions in fiscal year 2021 (begins in late September 2020) after its subsequent RG node has been widely deployed to its entire production line.

Micron is currently increasing production of 96-layer 3D NAND and next year it will be used in the vast majority of its product lines. Therefore, 128-layer 3D NAND will not cause much effect for at least 1 year. We will keep you informed.

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